Surf Break Read online

Page 4

  “Done dragging me around like a stuffed doll?” Juliette crossed her arms.

  “I’m sorry I just wanted to talk to you alone.”

  “There are better ways to go about that. Like, I don’t know, asking me to accompany you.”

  “Okay, okay, if I promise never to take you anywhere unwillingly again, will you let me talk and tell you what I intended by all that upstairs?”

  She sighed and leaned back on one of the pillars. “All right. Talk then.”

  He paced as he talked. “I had a plan to take you back to your days as a professional surfer and I wanted the people here to know that in their midst was a wonderful lady who has a claim to fame that she’s hidden away from them. Lou and Melba knew but no one else did.”

  “Why? Why do you want to remind me of the days I’d rather forget? My heart was broken over this sport and I’ve been very affected by the whole thing. I’ve run from it for years and I was content with that. Until you came along and ripped off the bandage. I want the cocoon of cotton again. I want to forget that part of my life. Can’t you understand that?” Tears streamed down her face.

  Pete took a big step toward her and stood very close. In her personal space. He placed one hand on her forearm that was still crossed at her waist. The other, he used to wipe her tears. “Juliette, it’s clear to me that you love the water. You love the sport of surfing-“

  She opened her mouth to speak and he placed his index finger on her lips. “Stop. Let me finish.”

  She nodded and he went on, “That jerk former husband of yours hurt you badly and he stole your love for your sport for a while. And he also made you shut down your heart. I think the bandage, as you put it, needed to be ripped off all at once. You were being so careful to peel it back slowly. You took baby steps in returning to the water. I could tell from watching you just the one time that you had a bond with the sea. You’ve been denying that bond. It’s time— past time even— to stop letting a man who didn’t even deserve to mop your floor eat at your soul. Let him go. He was not the man for you. He proved that.”

  She nodded again and bit back a sob. Pete’s right. I’ve let Miles steal my soul for too long. I need to let go. I need to forget him and what he did to me. I need to move on.

  Pete continued, “Those people upstairs want to pay tribute to you. They want to celebrate you. Will you take that away from them?”

  “No.” Her voice came out in a squeak. She cleared her throat. “You’re so right. I’ve wasted too much time with the past and with a man who never deserved me. As I thought back on it all last night, I realized he was never half as kind to me through our whole relationship and marriage, as you’ve been in the short time I’ve known you. I’m an idiot for letting him take over my life for all these years when he hasn’t given me a second thought.”

  Pete’s smile made her heart leap in her chest. He’s so gorgeous and he wants me. Me. Wow.

  “So, will you go up to the party I planned?” He indicated the floor above them.

  “I will if you promise me one thing.”

  “Anything, baby, anything. What is it?”

  “That you’ll let me teach you to surf and let me drive the Indian Chief while you ride in the side car.”

  “That’s two things, darling.” Pete winked.

  “So, you’re one of those guys who keep score?” Juliette smiled.

  “Only in the things that count.” His grin made her knees buckle.

  “Like what?”

  “Like how many times I kiss you in a day. Starting with this one.” He put his hands on either side of her head on the pillar and touched his lips lightly to hers.

  Juliette grabbed hold of the sides of his uniform polo shirt and pulled him toward her until his body was flush against hers and she could feel how much he wanted her. She opened her mouth and her tongue touched his.

  Surf Break 43

  He groaned and deepened the kiss. Finally, he broke away from her slightly and in a shaky voice, said, “We better get upstairs while this is still rated PG. You have some young teen boys up there who want to hear all about your adventures on the professional surf circuit and we don’t want them to come down here and find us in a compromising position.”

  “I’ll go, but I sure hope this party ends soon.”

  He stared in her eyes. “Are you really still upset? You want the party to be over before it even starts?”

  She squeezed his bottom. “I want the party to move to my cottage.”

  “Huh? You want all those boys at your house?” He shook his head.

  “No. I want to be in a compromising situation at my place with one man in particular.”

  “Anyone I know?” Pete asked as he laced his fingers with hers.

  “I think you might know him and his name isn’t Ernest.”

  He turned toward the staircase. “Let’s go get this shindig underway so we can get out of here.”

  “Now you’re talking.” Juliette winked and they headed up the steps to the restaurant and the party.

  * * * *

  That evening, after Pete got off work, he drove his motorcycle to Juliette’s place. When she opened the door, she laughed.

  He bowed. “Have you got time to come out for a drink? An evening drink this time? You know, a cocktail?”

  “What’s your favorite one, Mr. Hemingway?” She was still giggling.

  “A mojito when I’m in Cuba and a daiquiri when I’m in Florida.” He pulled off the fake Hemingway beard and tossed it over his shoulder. “Come on.” He grabbed her hand and tugged her outside. “Let’s go to the Orca Bar and get a drink.”

  She put her hand on his chest. “I’d much rather have you come in and let me make you a daiquiri since we’re in Florida.”

  “But we can dance at the bar.”

  “Ahh, but you see my dear Pete, here in my house, we can drink in my bed.” She winked. “Naked.”

  He let out a whoop and scooped her up in his arms. He carried her into the house, kicking the door shut behind him with the heel of his boot.

  He moved past the living room and into the bedroom. He sat on the bed with her still in his arms. He lifted her hair off her neck and ran his tongue up from her shoulder to her nape.

  She leaned into him and squeezed his upper arms. “You’re so strong. You carried me in here like I weighed nothing.”

  “You’re not heavy at all,” he mumbled against her neck, “but even if you ate all the Ding-Dongs in the world, I’d still want to carry you around.”

  She tugged his shirt out of his pants and jerked it up over his chest. He lifted his arms and the shirt came off over his head. Juliette ran her hands over his chest. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this.”

  “Good God, woman, why didn’t you let me know sooner?” He grabbed the hem of her shirt. “Your turn.”

  She raised her arms and when her shirt was off, Pete drew in a breath. “You’re beautiful.” He leaned in and took her naked breast in the palm of his hand. He caressed the silky skin. “If I’d known you didn’t have on a bra, I’d have moved a little faster.” He touched the tip of her tipple with his thumb.

  She sucked in a breath. “God, Pete. You’re making me insane. Kiss me already.”

  He leaned in and barely skimmed her erect nipple with his tongue.

  She let out a small whimper and tugged at the belt buckle of his jeans. “Quit torturing me.”

  He swung his legs onto the bed with her on top of him. “Patience, my love, patience. We have all night. Hell, we have forever.”

  She sat up on him and unhooked his belt. She reached for his button and zipper. “If you’re gonna take forever, I can tell you right now, I’m not in the mood to wait that long.”

  “Well then, get those britches off woman, 'cause I’m coming in.” He flipped her on her back and slid her pants and panties off all in one motion. Before she could recover from that, he had his own pants on the floor.

  She looked down at him and smiled. “

  He glanced down at his erection. “Yeah, it’s pretty sublime, isn’t it?” He winked.

  “Oh, good grief, you’re full of yourself.”

  “Nope, you’re gonna be full of myself.” He ran his hand up her thigh and over her stomach and up to her breasts. He cupped each one and taking each in turn, he laved attention on them.

  Juliette ran her hands through his hair and down to his shoulders. She squeezed them and ran her foot up and down his calf.

  He nibbled on her collarbone and up to her lips. He captured her mouth with his and plunged his tongue into her mouth.

  She returned his kiss movement for movement and teased his back with her fingertips.

  He moved back down her body, stopping to give her breasts more attention, and finally looked up at her. “I want you, baby.”

  A few tears escaped from her eyes. “I want you, too.”

  He grabbed his jeans off the floor and pulled a condom from the pocket. He held it up. “Do you want to do the honors?”

  She reached for it and with shaking hands, she opened the package. She slid it down his erection and lightly kissed the tip. “Ready?”

  “Always.” He captured her lips in another deep kiss and plunged into her. He paused for a moment and smiled down at her. “You feel amazing. I adore you.”

  More tears ran down her face, but she was smiling, so he knew she was fine. He slid back out of her.

  “What now?” She asked.

  “Nothing.” He took her again, this time not hesitating. They moved together in a heated frenzy. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he plunged into her over and over.

  Slick with sweat, Pete ran his right hand up and down her thigh. He quickened the pace until he was afraid he would literally explode with the passion this woman evoked in him.

  Finally, they both reached orgasm, hers right behind his. He held her tight as her body rocked with spasms.

  When she recovered and they lay beside each other, Juliette said, “I’ve never experienced something like that.”

  Pete wiped her sweaty hair off her forehead and kissed her there. “Me either. I’m not sure that can be repeated.”

  “I sure hope so. I’m still young woman and I sure don’t want to think I’ll go through the rest of my life without another orgasm like that.”

  “That’s a lot of pressure for a man.”

  “I’m sure you’re up to the task.” She grinned as she removed the used condom and tossed it in the trash can by the bed. “I hope you have a stash of those.”

  ‘I do.” He raised his eyebrows. “We’ll have to see about using them all, but not right now. Right now, I think someone owes me a naked daiquiri.”

  Juliette took his hand and kissed his knuckles. “Let’s go, then.”

  They got up. She walked ahead of him. He enjoyed the view. “Nice rear, darling. Too bad you keep it covered with that waitress uniform.” He swatted her. “On the other hand, maybe you need to keep it covered so Hamish and the other guys don’t lust after you.”

  “You’re insane. Those guys aren’t interested in me.”

  He grabbed her arm and turned her around. “You really have no idea how incredible you are, do you?”

  “I’m just a working woman trying to make my way in the world.”

  He pulled her to him and kissed her eyelids. “You’re not just anything. You’re everything. To me, that is.”

  She hugged him, running her hands down his back to his buttocks. “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “It’s the truth, darling.”

  She pulled away. “Let’s grab the rum and strawberries for the daiquiris.” She moved into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She pulled out the ice trays and strawberries. “The rum and the blender are in that cabinet over there.” She pointed at the cabinet closest to the oven.

  Pete got the liquor and set it and the blender on the cabinet.

  Juliette chopped the green parts off the strawberries under running water while Pete poured rum and put the ice in the blender.

  When he was done with his task, he turned to where Juliette stood at the sink. He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist while she chopped. “You’re incredibly sexy working in the kitchen in the nude. I like it.” He reached around her and took one of the strawberries from the bowl.

  He tore the fruit in half and rubbed it across her nipple. She turned and moved to swat him. In response, he licked the red juice off her breast. She dropped the knife and ran her hands through his hair.

  Pete picked her up and sat her on the counter-top. He grabbed another strawberry. He squeezed the juice down her torso and further down. She shuddered when he leaned in to lick the juice off her. His tongue slid down and inside her.

  Juliette arched her back and slid forward on the cabinet to give him better access. He laved her sex and sucked the juice from her. Her breathing increased. He placed his hands on either side of her buttocks and tugged her toward him.

  He entered her and she gasped. He whispered, “This is my kind of daiquiri, my love.”

  “What?” she breathed. “No rum?”

  “Not when I can get drunk on the taste of you alone.”

  “I wonder if Hemingway ever had such a daiquiri.” She giggled as he continued to thrust into her.

  Pete growled deep in his chest and then said, “Probably not since he wrote that book with the man who couldn’t have sex. If he’d had a daiquiri like this, he could never do that to anyone, even a fictional man.”

  She looked at him, shock registering on her face. “You know about The Sun Also Rises?”

  “I’m not merely some local cop. I’m educated.” He smiled, “Now stop talking and let me make love to you.”

  She smiled and wrapped her legs around his waist. His fingers clutched her thighs and he pulled her toward him with a wicked grin. He didn't say another word, but let his body do the talking.

  *The End*

  About The Author

  Jillian Chantal is from the Gulf Coast of Florida where she loves to read and when she can't find the right story to read, to write it herself. Visit her at

  Secret Cravings Publishing